Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) Information (2024)

The Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) is one test required in PreK and Kindergarten classrooms under the the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP). The VKRP also requires PreK-K testing in literacy and student behaviors (self-regulation, and social skills).

The EMAS test is an interview withteacher to assess the student's early numeracy skills. The assessment is completed in fall and spring for most PreK and Kindergarten students.

  • Testing notifications are available with additional information about Academic Screening, Growth, and Diagnostic Tests in FCPS
  • Further information is also available for any students whotook part in additional diagnostic assessments.

VKRP Score Reports for Families

The family report information below reflects iReady reporting data from school year 2023-24. Family reports for 2024-25 iReady tests are being updated to reflect their role as a growth measure this year. Updated family report information will be updated when it is available.

Most students in FCPS PreK and kindergarten classrooms participate in EMAS as part of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program assessmentsin fall and spring.After each VKRPassessment window, student results are shared withfamilies and are used by teachers to inform instructional planning. Contents of the Fairfax County Public Schools VKRP score report is provided below for PreK and for kindergarten.


To the Parents/Guardians of ____________________SID: _________ GRD: ____

Your child recently took assessments as part of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP). VKRP is a state assessment program to understand how children’s early literacy, mathematics, and behaviors support student achievement in kindergarten and beyond. VKRP results provide information about your child’s first experience in school and how your child is learning over the course of the year. Children benefit from developing a range of early learning areas. When teachers understand current skills, they can provide appropriate support for a child’s success in school and life. For more information about the assessed skills and how to support development outside school, visit the “VKRP For Families” webpage (https://vkrponline.org/virginia-kindergarten-readiness-program-2/for-families/).

This report tells you how your child performed on the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS), Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS), and Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS). Your child’s current performance is reported for each learning area, including specific skills. If your child received partial testing or a non-standard administration, you will see a result of NR (Not Reported). If your child was exempt from testing based on an individual education program (IEP) team or English learner committee decision, you will see a score of NA (Not Assessed).

The report shows how your child performed compared to the maximum and target for each skill. An overall benchmark status helps us understand what scores mean. When a child meets the benchmark in Fall, it indicates a good start to the year. When a child meets the benchmark in Spring, it indicates appropriate progress for the year. The Virginia Early Intervention Reading Initiative (EIRI) requires that schools provide intervention for children who score below the Fall PALS (Literacy) benchmark. If your child scored below the benchmark, school staff will:

-- review available data to determine if your child needs additional assessments and/or interventions

-- communicate any next steps for your child

To learn more about your child’s strengths and needs in early literacy, mathematics, self-regulation, or social skills, please contact your child’s teacher. VKRP assessments are generally administered in English. If your child qualifies for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) services, contact your child’s ESOL teacher for information on your child’s English language development.

Testing Window: __________ Current School: ____________

Test InformationAssessed SkillCurrent ScoreMax ScoreTarget ScoreStatus
PALS (Literacy)Overall Literacy: K __ __ ___________
End of Testing Window:Rhyme __ __ __
______Beginning Sounds __ __ __
Alphabet Recognition __ __ __
Letter Sounds __ __ __
Spelling __ __ __
Test InformationAssessed SkillCurrent ScoreMax ScoreTarget ScoreStatus
EMAS (Mathematics)Overall Math: K __ __ ___________
End of Testing Window:Geometry __ __ __
______Patterning __ __ __
Numeracy __ __ __
Computation __ __ __
Highest Counted __----
Test InformationAssessed SkillCurrent ScoreMax ScoreTarget ScoreStatus
CBRS (Behaviors)Self-Regulation:K __ __ ___________
End of Testing Window:Social Skills: K __ __ ___________

For a translation of this document, please visit the webpage at https://www.fcps.edu/node/39104 or contact your student’s school.

Printable PDFs of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) kindergarten score report letter for families

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To the Parents/Guardians of ______________________SID: ________ GRD: ____

Your child recently took assessments as part of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP). VKRP is a state assessment program to understand how children’s early literacy, mathematics, and behaviors support success in PreK and beyond. VKRP results provide information about your child’s first experience in school and how your child is learning over the course of the year. Children benefit from developing a range of early learning areas. When teachers understand current skills, they can provide appropriate support for a child’s success in school and life. For more information about assessed skills and how to support development outside school, visit the “VKRP For Families” webpage (https://vkrponline.org/virginia-kindergarten-readiness-program-2/for-families/).

This report tells you how your child performed on the Language and Literacy Screener (LLS), Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS), and Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS). Your child’s current performance is reported below for each learning area, including specific skills. If your child received partial testing or a non-standard administration, you will see a result of NR (Not Reported). If your child was exempt from testing based on an individual education program (IEP) team decision, you will see a score of NA (Not Assessed).

The report shows how your child performed compared to the maximum for each skill. Where available, the status describes your child’s developmental band (Beginning, Growing, Strong) based on expectations for the time of year. To learn more about the assessed skills and developmental bands, view the PreK Score Reports sections of the VRKP Results webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/node/39104).

To learn more about your child’s strengths and needs, please contact your child’s teacher. Teachers monitor your child’s VKRP scores to provide appropriate instruction and support. The school will communicate any next steps for your child.

Testing Window: __________ Administered By: ____________

Test InformationAssessed SkillCurrent ScoreMax ScoreSkill Status
LLS (Literacy)Overall Literacy: PreK (__) __ __--
Test Level: ___Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Names __ _________
End of Testing Window:Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Sounds __ _________
______PhonemicAwareness: Syllable Segmenting __ _________
PhonemicAwareness: Beginning Sounds __ _________
PhonemicAwareness: Phoneme Blending __ __
Language Comprehension __ __
Emergent Writing: Name Writing __ __
Print Concepts __ __
Test InformationAssessed SkillCurrent ScoreMax ScoreSkill Status
EMAS (Mathematics)Overall Math: PreK (__) __ _________
Test Level: ___Geometry __ __
End of Testing Window:Patterning __ __
______Numeracy __ __
Computation __ __
Highest Counted__--
Test InformationAssessed SkillCurrent ScoreMax ScoreSkill Status
CBRS (Behaviors)Self-Regulation: PreK (__) __ _________
Test Level: ___Social Skills: PreK (__) __ _________
End of Testing Window:

For a translation of this document, please visit the webpage at https://www.fcps.edu/node/39104 or contact your student’s school.

Printable PDFs of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) PreK score report letter for families

PDF iconEnglish (English) PDF iconالعربية (Arabic) PDF icon中文 (Chinese) PDF icon한국어 (Korean) PDF iconespañol (Spanish) PDF iconاردو (Urdu) PDF iconTiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

PreK Score Report - Additional Information

PreK Skill Details

Choose the name of a PreK VKRP assessment below to learn more about what it measures.

The PreK Language and Literacy Screener (LLS) is a screening tool that measures young children’s language and literacy development. The screener contains subtests that measure five broad skill areas, which impact later reading achievement.

Skill AreaWhat It MeasuresSubtest(s)
Alphabet KnowledgeKnowledge of the letter names and letter sounds
  • Letter Name
  • Letter Sounds
Phonological AwarenessAbility to play with and hear the sounds of language
  • Syllable Segmenting
  • Beginning Sounds Matching (3-year-olds)
  • Beginning Sounds Expressive (4-year-olds)
  • Phoneme Blending (4-year-olds)
Language ComprehensionShowing understanding of a story by using words (expressive) and by using gestures like pointing (receptive)
  • Passage Comprehension: Retell
  • Passage Comprehension: Expressive
  • Passage Comprehension: Receptive
  • Nonsense Sentences
Emergent WritingAbility to write their name
  • Name Writing
Print ConceptsUnderstanding of how print, books, and writing work
  • Print Concepts
Processing (Spring only)Ability to get information from memory quickly and easily
  • Rapid Automatized Naming(RAN): Colors (4-year-olds)

The Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) is used to measure young children’s mathematical thinking. The assessment contains subtests that measure four broad skill areas, which impact later mathematics achievement.

Skill AreaWhat It MeasuresSubtest(s)
GeometryAbility to identify and describe shapes
  • Shape Recognition
  • Shape Matching (3-year-olds)
  • Shape Properties (4-year-olds)
PatterningAbility to see, play with, and build patterns
  • Imitate Patterns (3-year-olds)
  • Recognize Patterns
  • Reproduce Patterns
  • Extend Patterns
  • Missing Patterns (3-year-olds)
NumeracyKnowledge of numbers and their value in the real world
  • Counting and Cardinality
  • Compare and Order (3-year-olds)
  • Numerals (4-year-olds)
  • Subitizing (quickly identifying the number of objects in a set without counting them)
  • Changes in Sets (4-year-olds)
ComputationAbility to do simple adding or subtracting
  • Addition and Subtraction
Counting to 100Highest number counted

The Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) is used to measure teachers’ perceptions of young children’s behaviors in the school environment. The assessment reports out for two broad skill areas, which impact later academic achievement.

Skill AreaWhat It MeasuresSubtest(s)
Self-RegulationAbility to manage emotions, attention, and behaviors in the school environment
  • Listening to Others
  • Following Expectations
  • Following Multi-step Directions
  • Staying Focused on Tasks
Social SkillsAbility to successfully interact with peers and adultsand build relationships
  • Cooperating in a Group
  • Expressing Thoughts and Emotions
  • Resolving Conflicts in a Positive Way

PreK Developmental Bands

Choose a student age below to learn more about how to interpret the scores and developmental bands used for students of that age.

Literacy Skills - Developmental Bands

When reporting PreK Language and Literacy Screener (LLS) results, four (4) assessed skills receive a developmental band. The chart below shows where a student’s fall skill score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.

Assessed SkillBeginningGrowingStrong
Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Names0-45-3233-52
Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Sounds0-67-1314-25
Phonological Awareness: Syllable Segmenting0-45-78-10
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds Matching0-45-78-10

The LLS includes four subtests to measure Language Comprehension. When reporting LLS results, Language Comprehension subtests are combined to provide a single score. The list below shows the maximum score for each of the Language Comprehension subtests.

  • Passage Comprehension: Passage Retell (Max Score = 6)
  • Passage Comprehension: Expressive Comprehension Questions (Max Score = 5)
  • Passage Comprehension: Receptive Comprehension Questions (Max Score = 4)
  • Nonsense Sentences (Max Score = 10)
Mathematics Skills - Developmental Bands

When reporting Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) results, the four mathematics skills are combined to provide an overall scaled score. The chart below shows where a student’s fall overall score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.

Assessed SkillBeginningGrowingStrong
Mathematics Overall254-500501-575576-758
Behavior Skills - Developmental Bands

When reporting Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) results, the two (2) assessed skills receive a developmental band. The chart below shows where a student’s fall skill score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.

Assessed SkillBeginningGrowingStrong
Social Skills1.00-2.862.87-4.434.44-5.00

Literacy Skills - Developmental Bands and Comprehension Reporting

When reporting PreK Language and Literacy Screener (LLS) results, four (4) assessed skills receive a developmental band. The chart below shows where a student’s fall skill score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.

Assessed SkillBeginningGrowingStrong
Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Names0-910-4344-52
Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Sounds0-1011-1920-25
Phonological Awareness: Syllable Segmenting0-45-78-10
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds Expressive0-45-78-10

The LLS includes four subtests to measure Language Comprehension. When reporting LLS results, Language Comprehension subtests are combined to provide a single score. The list below shows the maximum score for each of the Language Comprehension subtests.

  • Passage Comprehension: Passage Retell (Max Score = 6)
  • Passage Comprehension: Expressive Comprehension Questions (Max Score = 5)
  • Passage Comprehension: Receptive Comprehension Questions (Max Score = 4)
  • Nonsense Sentences (Max Score = 10)
Mathematics Skills - Developmental Bands

When reporting Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) results, the four mathematics skills are combined to provide an overall scaled score. The chart below shows where a student’s fall overall score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.

Assessed SkillBeginningGrowingStrong
Mathematics Overall296-575576-650651-817
Behavior Skills - Developmental Bands

When reporting Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) results, the two (2) assessed skills receive a developmental band. The chart below shows where a student’s fall skill score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.

Assessed SkillBeginningGrowingStrong
Social Skills1.00-3.213.22-4.664.67-5.00
Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) Information (2024)


Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) Information? ›

The Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) measures a broad range of mathematical areas, including numeracy, computation, patterning, and geometry.

What is emas assessment? ›

What is the EMAS? The Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) is a reliable and valid research-based assessment of early mathematical thinking that draws on modern cognitive science as well as developmental and educational research (Ginsburg & Pappas, 2016). Created by Dr.

What does the VKRp measure? ›

VKRP assesses mathematics, behaviors, and literacy for students in PreK and Kindergarten. Students use materials to show their early math skills with the Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS). Teachers observe a student's self-regulation and social skills using the Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS).

What is early grade mathematics assessment? ›

EGMA is an assessment of early mathematics learning, with an emphasis on number and operations. The Core EGMA consists of six subtests (referred to as tasks in the instrument) that, taken together, can produce a snapshot of children's knowledge of the competencies that are fundamental in early grade mathematics.

What is VKRp emas? ›

VKRP uses the Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) to measure children's mathematical thinking. The EMAS is a reliable and valid assessment that draws on modern cognitive science, as well as developmental and educational research.

What is the EMAS method? ›

Description: EMAS Drilling, developed by Wolfgang Buchner in Bolivia combines jetting with a percussion action. Drilling mud (water mixed with clay or bentonite to a suitable density) is pumped down through the drill stem using a hand operated metallic version of the EMAS pump.

What is EMAS regulation? ›

The EMAS Regulation includes the environmental management system requirements of the international standard for environmental management, ISO 14001, and additional requirements for EMAS registered organisations such as employee engagement, ensuring legal compliance or the publication of an environmental statement.

What are the benefits of VKRP? ›

Benefits of VKRP

VKRP helps schools, programs, divisions, and Ready Regions pinpoint where teachers and students need more resources and support to be successful.

What measures are used to evaluate a child? ›

What measures are used to evaluate a child?
  • medical information.
  • comparing the child's progress to typical child development.
  • observing how the child functions in school, at home, or in the community.
  • interviews with parents and school staff.

Is my child ready for kindergarten checklist? ›

At a glance. Many kids who are ready for kindergarten can say the alphabet and count to 10. Kindergarten readiness includes motor skills like holding a pencil and using scissors. Self-care like getting dressed and not needing help in the bathroom are important kindergarten skills.

How do I prepare for a math assessment? ›

Preparing for a math test requires a systematic and disciplined approach. By reviewing class notes, creating a study schedule, practicing with past tests, seeking help when needed, and focusing on understanding rather than memorization, you can set yourself up for success.

What is a math assessment test? ›

The purpose of the Math Assessment test is to determine your knowledge of arithmetic and algebra at the present time; the English Assessment tests your knowledge of basic writing skills.

What is the key math assessment? ›

The KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment is a comprehensive, individually administered measure of mathematical ability that is designed to be a diagnostic tool with specific, actionable results.

What is EMAS used for? ›

eMASS provides an integrated suite of authorization capabilities and prevents cyber attacks by establishing strict process control mechanisms for obtaining authorization decisions.

What is the importance of EMAS? ›

EMAS helps organisations optimise their internal processes, achieve legal compliance, reduce environmental impacts, and use resources more efficiently.

What does EMAS stand for in school? ›

We provide support early years and school age children and families with English as an Additional Language.

What does EMAS stand for? ›

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Evaluate, report, and improve the environmental performance of your organisation.

What is an EMA assessment? ›

Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is defined by Shiffman et al. (2008) as “Monitoring or sampling strategies to assess phenomena at that moment they occur in natural settings, thus maximizing ecological validity while avoiding retrospective recall” (p. 3). From: Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2009.

What is the difference between EMS and EMAS? ›

EMS and EMAS provide organizations with structured approaches to environmental management, aiming to enhance environmental performance and compliance. While ISO 14001 offers international recognition and flexibility, EMAS integrates legal compliance into its framework, providing additional credibility within the EU.

What is EMAS on an airport diagram? ›

EMAS uses crushable material placed at the end of a runway to help stop an aircraft that overruns the runway. The tires of the aircraft sink into the lightweight material and the aircraft is decelerated as it rolls through the material.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.