A giant sargassum seaweed blob takes aim at Florida (2024)

A seething tangle of floating trouble is massing for a potential summer assault on Florida beaches as a vast forest of sargassum grows in record amounts in the Atlantic Ocean.

University of South Florida scientists said January was the second consecutive month that the amount of seaweed doubled, reaching 8.7 million tons, which is enough to fill about 3,000 Olympic size pools.

It also broke the previous January record set in 2018.

“This is very rare in history,” said USF oceanography professor Chuanmin Hu, about the rapid growth. "All we can do now is keep a close eye on what's going on."

Seaweed comes to shore like a horror movie

Sargassum is a lifeline for fish nurseries, hungry migratory birds and sea turtle hatchlings seeking shelter in its buoyant saltwater blooms. But in mass quantities, it chokes life from canals, clogs boat propellers, and is a killjoy at the beach, piling up several feet deep like a rotting bog emitting hydrogen sulfide as it decomposes.

“Our beach could literally be clean at 8 a.m. and three to four hours later a giant mat of sargassum the size of a mall will come in like the blob, like a Stephen King movie,” said Tom Mahady, city of Boynton Beach Ocean Rescue chief. "It's not pleasant for swimmers."

A giant sargassum seaweed blob takes aim at Florida (2)

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Winter growth spurt is unusual

Last year was a record-breaker for the total amount of sargassum, with it reaching a peak of 22 million tons in July. Hu said 2023 will be another major sargassum year, possibly surpassing 2022.

It’s too early to know how much seaweed will reach Florida’s beaches, but it has shown up in varying degrees and depths during every major growth year, hitching a ride on the loop current to assail the Keys and areas north from Miami to Jacksonville.

One mystery this year is the proliferation of the sargassum in the winter months when it usually sees its growth spurt in spring and summer, said Hu, noting that his team has not tied warmer water temperatures to larger blooms.

A giant sargassum seaweed blob takes aim at Florida (3)

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Hu’s Optical Oceanography lab at USF measures the sargassum by satellite and has images dating back decades. He was part of a team of scientists that discovered the world’s largest sargassum bloom in the Atlantic Ocean, dubbing it the Great Atlantic Sargassum belt.

Smoke, Amazon River, cold water upwelling feeds seaweed

A 2019 report on the group's findings pointed to two main culprits for the increase in sargassum — higher nutrient levels in runoff from the Amazon River and when an upwelling in the eastern Atlantic brings cooler water and nutrients from the bottom of the ocean to the surface.

A University of Miami study released the same year found that smoke from African fires — either from those burning wild or burning to clear land — has phosphorus in it that could also be feeding the sargassum after it settles out of the atmosphere.

A giant sargassum seaweed blob takes aim at Florida (4)

Florida Atlantic University research professor and algae expert Brian LaPointe said years with large amounts of sargassum build on each other because there is so much seed material to start the next crop.

“It really becomes a problem when it piles up in the mangroves and causes these dead zones,” LaPointe said. “It literally fills manmade canals, coming right up in front of people's homes and surrounding docks.”

LaPointe spoke in September to the Palm Beach Town Council after sargassum piled up several feet deep at the north end of the island south of the Lake Worth Inlet, also known as the Palm Beach Inlet.

Sargassum piles on Palm Beach as high as moguls on a ski slope

“We had moguls of it,” said town councilmember Bobbie Lindsay about the sargassum. “The beach was unusable for much of the summer, it was scratching your thighs, it was just disgusting.”

Lindsay said the decaying seaweed could be smelled several streets away from the beach depending on the wind direction.

"The air was so toxic I couldn't walk down there," Lindsay said.

A giant sargassum seaweed blob takes aim at Florida (5)

Palm Beach, like many towns, cleans its public beaches with mechanical raking devices. But during the turtle nesting season from March 1 through Oct. 31, the cleaners have to stay below the high tide line. Sea turtles typically nest above the high tide line so their eggs stay dry. Nests below the high tide line are usually marked by sea turtle monitors so the rakes can avoid them.

While sargassum can help turtle hatchlings once they hit the water, high mounds on the beach are a barrier to them reaching it.

This year the Town of Palm Beach has a contract to either bury the sargassum at the north end of the island or remove it if there is too much to bury. Director of Public Works Paul Brazil said the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Florida Department of Environmental Protection are working with the town on ways to handle the sargassum during nesting season.

LaPointe suggested using floating barriers to keep the seaweed from coming ashore. More than a mile of floating barrier was placed off the coast of Mexico’s Tulum National Park in August. LaPointe said areas of the Keys are already using it or considering it.

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The rotten egg smell in the Keys from the decomposing sargassum has prompted at least one online guidebook to have a chapter titled “Why do the Florida Keys smell like sulfur?”

Hu said he’s been called by real estate investors on where best to buy land along Mexico’s Caribbean coastline to avoid sargassum. An airline also asked for his advice when it was deciding its schedule so as not to load up on flights to sargassum-rich areas during tourist season.

“People don’t like it because it’s unsightly,” said Mahady, the Boynton Beach ocean rescue chief. “But you can’t stop it from raining, you can’t stop snow, and you can’t stop seaweed.”

Kimberly Miller is a veteran journalist for The Palm Beach Post, part of the USA Today Network of Florida. She coversreal estate and how growth affects South Florida's environment. Subscribe to The Dirt for a weekly real estate roundup. If you have news tips, please send them to kmiller@pbpost.com.Help support our local journalism, subscribe today.

A giant sargassum seaweed blob takes aim at Florida (2024)


Is a giant blob of seaweed taking aim at Florida? ›

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Marine scientists are tracking a 5,000-mile-wide seaweed bloom that is so large, it can be seen from space. These sargassum blooms are nothing new, but scientists say this one could be the largest in history.

Where will the Florida seaweed blob hit? ›

"If large amounts of sargassum do come to Florida at that time — late May or early June — the most impacted areas will be the lower Florida Keys (ocean side) and along the southeast coast of Florida (Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, etc)," Hu said.

What caused the giant seaweed blob? ›

More accurately, the sargassum is not actually a solid blob of seaweed but rather a large number of broken up rafts. As sargassum rafts approach shore and start decomposing, they suck oxygen from the water and suffocate the creatures beneath.

What is causing the sargassum seaweed? ›

One possible contributor is nutrient pollution from land that washes into the ocean from cities, farms, roadways and other human sources. This effectively floods the ocean with a food source that leads to rapid growth in Sargassum. Another possible source is one we know all too well, climate change.

Is sargassum grass headed to Florida? ›

Sargassum forecast 2024

Sargassum is expected to increase in the central Atlantic over the next few months. Coastal regions in the western Caribbean Sea will begin to see small to moderate amounts of sargassum around late April to early May. The southeast coast of Florida won't see much sargassum until late May.

How to stop sargassum? ›

Exclusion booms or barriers are moored in selected locations to keep the Sargassum seaweed off the beach where it will move with the wind and current either back to sea or down the coast.

Is sargassum edible? ›

Sargassum is edible, it's harvested to feed livestock too, and you can fry, boil, steam or dry it. It's played a part in Chinese medicine as far back as the 8th century, treating goiters (high iodine content) — and made into tea to control phlegm.

Will sargassum be bad in 2024? ›

Looking ahead: The findings in May and June 2024 indicate the lack of momentum of Sargassum growth. Thus, the total Sargassum amount in July is likely to remain stable or decline slightly. The western Caribbean Sea is likely to remain free of severe Sargassum inundations.

Does seaweed carry bacteria? ›

Disease-causing bacteria, including the type behind flesh-eating infections, can colonize rafts of seaweed and plastic pollution in the ocean, raising concerns about the risks to humans if they wash up on beaches.

Does sargassum smell? ›

Sargassum is a type of brown seaweed that is washing up on beaches in Florida. As it rots, it gives off a substance called hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide has a very unpleasant odor, like rotten eggs.

Can you swim in sargassum? ›

You can swim in the water if there's sargassum and people do, but I have seen some reports of sea lice associated with sargassum in water with big mats of it floating around,” he says, referring to small jellyfish larvae, which can cause the skin to erupt in a red, itchy rash.

What eats sargassum algae? ›

Sargassum is a group of brown algae that provides food, refuge, and breeding ground for many marine animals, such as turtles, crabs, shrimp, fish, and seabirds. Sargassum species are widely distributed across tropical and temperate oceans, in shallow waters and coral reefs, as well as the open ocean.

Will the seaweed blob affect Destin Florida? ›

Sargassum along the beaches of South Walton from 2022 👇

While the “big blob” of sargassum may be heading into the Gulf of Mexico, via currents, Fogg says it's unlikely to significantly impact the Destin-Fort Walton Beach area.

Where is the giant seaweed bloom Florida? ›

A giant blob of seaweed called the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt is floating toward the West Coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico. The mass, pictured in the map below, could be an estimated 13.5 million metric tons in 2023 and is known as sargassum.

Is there sargassum in Anna Maria Island? ›

We're lucky that prevailing winds and currents keep most of the sargassum off our shores on the Island, but we occasionally do get a patch on the beach - but not in the "throw-up" quantities that Texas is dealing with these days.

What causes the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt? ›

Cause. The buildup of Sargassum is caused by nutrients flowing into the Atlantic from water discharged by the Amazon and upwelling currents off West Africa. The Sargassum Belt, while in the Sargasso Sea, is different, composed of different morphological types of Sargassum.

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